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Elevate Your Artwork with Customized Bespoke Picture Framing: The Perfect Frame for Your Perfect Piece 

Bespoke framing services refer to customized and personalized framing services that cater to individual preferences, requirements, and specifications. Unlike ready-made frames that come in standard sizes and designs, our bespoke framing services allow you to choose the frame style, material, colour, size, and other features according to your specific needs and preferences. 

Our bespoke framing service involves a consultation process where our framing experts and designers work with you to understand your framing needs and preferences. This can include discussing the artwork or object that needs to be framed, the location where it will be displayed, your interior design style, and any other relevant factors that may impact the framing process. 

Once the consultation is complete, our framing experts will create a customized framing solution that meets your needs and specifications. This can include selecting the appropriate matting, mounting, and glazing options, as well as designing a unique frame that complements the artwork or object. 

Our Bespoke Framing Project Management Service

We provide a full project management service for your bespoke framing projects, from the conception of the brief through to delivery, installation, and aftercare. 


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Bespoke framing offers many benefits, including personalized and customized design, superior quality materials and artisanship, and enhanced protection and preservation of the artwork or object being framed. It can also add value to the artwork or object and improve its overall aesthetic appeal.

  • Bespoke framing services can be used for a wide range of items, including fine art, photographs, documents, memorabilia, and other collectibles. They are often used for high-value or one-of-a-kind items that require special attention and care to protect and enhance their value and aesthetic appeal.

  • The bespoke framing process typically involves a consultation with our framing experts and designers, who will work with you to understand your framing needs and preferences. This can include discussing the artwork or object that needs to be framed, the location where it will be displayed, your interior design style, and any other relevant factors that may impact the framing process. Once the consultation is complete, our framing expert will create a customized framing solution that meets your needs and specifications.

  • Yes, bespoke framing can be used for a variety of commercial applications, including corporate artwork, hotel and restaurant decor, and other public spaces. Bespoke framing can be used to enhance the aesthetic appeal of these spaces, as well as to protect and preserve valuable artwork or other objects.

  • The cost of bespoke framing services can vary depending on several factors, including the size, complexity, and materials used for the frame, as well as the level of customization and personalization required by the customer. Typically, our bespoke framing services can be more expensive than ready-made frames, but we offer superior quality and personalized design.

  • Bespoke framing can be used in a variety of fine art applications, including museum and gallery exhibitions, private collections, and individual artworks. Bespoke framing can enhance the aesthetic appeal of the artwork, as well as protect and preserve it for future generations.

  • Bespoke framing can be used in a variety of commercial applications, including corporate artwork, hotel and restaurant decor, and other public spaces. Bespoke framing can enhance the aesthetic appeal of these spaces, as well as protect and preserve valuable artwork or other objects. It can also be used to create customized promotional materials, such as framed posters, displays, and signs.

Some Images of our work

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